I decided to create a format for my holiday documentation. I have always been intrigued by people filming their whole vacation. Are they ever going to watch that? Wouldn’t it take weeks to edit the vast material? So when my wife and I went to Singapore and Bali this summer I decided to film with this in mind and edit it down to a one minute movie mostly containing of 1 second clips. This is all I need, a snapshot from three weeks of our summer. Something I can show to family and friends without boring them to death. And something that can cheer me up during a hard busy workday.
The movie was filmed with a Canon 7D and the Panasonic Lumix TZ7 (aka ZS3). The 7D was new and I hadn’t really figured it out completely (I still haven’t).
I also created a Vimeo group for this if someone feels the urge to create more travel movies in this format: vimeo.com/groups/1minutetravel
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